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Global sharing economy BTC crowdfunding

Global sharing economy BTC crowdfunding

Is the national economic sharing platform a scam?

The concept of sharing was put forward by relevant leaders in 2015:
In 2015, China's leaders put forward the concept of shared development, saying, "The Chinese people, living in our great country and great era, share the opportunity to live a brilliant life, to realize their dreams, and to grow and progress with the country and The Times."
Relevant leaders mentioned at davos in 2016:
The global sharing economy has become a trend of rapid development. A new era of rational distribution of wealth has arrived, in which the cost is small, the speed is fast, and everyone creates wealth. In this new economic model, consumers are no longer the role played in the previous production links, but upgraded to "consumer" -- both consumers and managers.
In the sharing economy -- "consumers" can "spend less and earn more than they thought possible"
On 3 September 2017, the BRICS Summit was held in Xiamen. Relevant leaders delivered keynote speeches at the opening ceremony, during which the concept of "sharing" was repeatedly mentioned...

How to tease the sharing economy of foreign countries

While we focus on the financial health of online networks, there are other ways to create value in the digital space.

Attract controversial companies such as Uber, Airbnb and Airtasker, which have been called posters for the so-called sharing economy. By focusing on money-changers, they miss out on helping users collaboratively share the value of other price tags.

With Airbnb, users often take actions that don't immediately have financial benefits: meeting guests, giving gifts or helping with travel consultations. But these actions are not captured by platforms outside of the review section.

To better understand how non-economic value creation works, we studied the global scavenger hunt, known as geocaching.

In games, network members can generate non-financial value by socializing or being praised by others. They can also gain value by feeling adventurous or gaining knowledge.

Despite having different locations, cultures, and social capital, members of these cooperative networks can work together to achieve common goals.

Can geocaching teach us about value?

Geocaching claims to have millions of players, or "geographers," who hunt down more than 2.8 million gems (" geocaches ") hidden around the world.

The game involves creating and exchanging "travel bugs". These objects are as harmless as old whistles or teddy bears carrying identification tags and are assigned goals by their creators. Geographers collaborate to help travel errors move from one cache to another.

We find that individual geographers are part of a systematic process of value creation.

How does this work? Personal actions such as geocache hidden or discovered by geographers are registered and stored in the form of blog posts, photos, comments and comments. When other participants see these registrations (sometimes years later or while living on other continents), they continue to generate value as other participants recognize the benefits of these actions for members of the Geocaching network.

The key feature of its cooperative network is that the values of one action are stored together with the values of other actions and redistributed to other participants.

For example, when Geocacher reads some posts and learns about the adventures of other geographers moving objects from cache to cache, they gain knowledge, a sense of adventure, and connections to others in the network. The network stores and redistributes the value results of operations performed by its members.

Geocaching may seem like a hobby to an outsider, but these activities are very valuable to the participants. While individual actions mean little, overall actions can move worthless toys around the globe and even in space. Cooperation, and often peripheral actions that make this movement happen, are valuable.

Other platforms, such as Couchsurfing, can also store different types of value. The everyday actions performed by users and the activities captured by Couchsurfing include those related to non-economic value, such as guests cooking, or hosting insights into the country.

What can other networks learn?

Compared to Geocaching, companies like Uber, Airbnb and Airtasker have not realized their potential to create system value.

These platforms do not fully capture other forms of value creation. These are collaborative and often peripheral operations that help the system move, such as a particularly friendly Uber driver or Airbnb host that offers helpful travel advice.

While Airbnb does have member reviews, it's up to users to mention other forms of value. Airtasker reviews are about services offered, Uber focuses on ratings.

To get additional value, these companies should create more ways for participants to sign up for these other actions. What amazing stories came up when you talked to Uber drivers? Did you bring a gift for the Airbnb host? What did you learn from Airtasker Helper?

Questions like these will allow for the systematic accumulation of other types of value, which not only enrichis the network but also encourages other actors to undertake similar actions.

Dialogue with comrade geographers in the sharing economy platform will benefit from embracing the deepest meaning of sharing. Only then can users become participants in a true collaborative culture.

What are the cases of the new business model of sharing economy

1. Transportation sharing

Uber: Offers private car rides
Sharing mechanism: Drivers take out their own time and car to register with Uber. When someone nearby calls for a car, Uber sends tasks to the driver nearby.
Uber is one of the grandfathers of the sharing economy, and so much of it is an extension of Uber.
Lyft: Offers private car rides
Like Uber's sharing mechanism, Lyft differs in its emphasis on a culture of making friends. The service encourages passengers to sit in the front, side by side with the driver. Passengers are also obliged to fist-bump the driver when they get into the car, where they can often charge their iphones or choose the music they want to listen to.
Sidecar: A purer ride sharing platform
Using SideCar will automatically match strangers nearby who are willing to carpool. If a match is made, the app will automatically figure out how much each passenger should pay, saving even half the cost.
Domestic similar companies: ha ha carpool, tick tock carpool, youyou carpool and so on.

FlightCar: Sharing idle cars at airports
Sharing mechanism: As the name suggests, you drive to the airport as usual, park, fly away, and your car is used to make money. The other can rent a car from the airport and drive away. It's a lot less process than parking in a specific spot.
Car Sharing, Long-term Airport Parking, Airport Car Rentals

Zipcar: Membership sharing of idle cars
Zipcar operates by accepting members and issuing membership cards. Zipcar cars are parked in areas where residents are concentrated. Members can search for the cars they need directly on Zipcar's website or by phone. The website lists the basic information and price of the cars according to the distance between the cars and the member's place through electronic map. After use, drive the car back to its original location within the appointed time and lock it with the membership card.
Wheelz: A PEER-to-peer car rental business for college students

Like ZipCar, Wheelz specializes in peer-to-peer car rentals for college students, which is basically a PEER-to-peer version of ZipCar. One is its focus on the campus market; Second, his team has experience with Better Place, an ELECTRIC vehicle facility provider, and Mercedes Benz. Wheelz was funded by Zipcar in 2012.
Getaround: P2P car rental platform

Sharing mechanism: it allows you to rent a car from a nearby idle car. After placing an order, you don't need to meet the owner. You can open the car door directly through the application and pick up and return the car conveniently. Let car owners temporarily unused rental income for a few days, so that people in need of a car to meet the need at a lower price.

Car2Go: Self-service car rental service

Sharing mechanism: Strictly speaking, Car2go is not a sharing company, and most of the vehicles on its platform are self-owned vehicles. Most of Car2go's vehicles are Mercedes Smart. Car2Go users can book a car half an hour in advance, charge by the minute and park in any public parking space when they return the car. At present, Car2go mainly promotes electric models.
Car sharing is a big cake, and there are many corresponding companies. Domestic companies like RelayRides, Getaround and Car2Go also include Singapore PP Car Rental, Shenzhou, Ehi, etc.
Former P2P car rental company: HiGear

HiGear started as a peer-to-peer private car rental service three years ago. Four cars worth $400,000 were stolen and had to be taken out of service before being acquired by Rent2Buy.
Rent2Buy is also a private car rental service, but unlike HiGear, Rent2Buy's business includes not only renting private cars, but also selling them.
Take away the car, leave the girl.
The rapid development of car rental industry, so that people in the aviation sector also see the opportunity.
Netjets: Private jet leasing

Netjets, which specialises in managing customers' private jets, will also operate charter flights using managed aircraft. You can host your plane here and someone else can lease it when it's idle.
PROP: Idle yacht hire

PROP thinks renting a boat can be too burdensome, so it has created an Uber of "boat rentals", trying to get you sailing whenever and wherever you are.
PROP will also help you find a professional captain instead of a boat, and you won't be the only one on that boat. You'll make new friends and have an unforgettable experience, whether it's relaxing or participating in water activities.
Companies like OnBoat, BoatBound, GetMyBoat and Domestic Cruise, which not only offers yacht-sharing, but also offers a complete solution for sailing.

Second, housing sharing

Airbnb: One of the ancestors of the sharing economy
Founded in 2008, it is now valued at $20 billion.
It mainly focuses on overseas homestay short-term rental reservation, and most of the houses are peculiar, interesting and localized personal houses. On it, you can find a wooden cabin on a branch in a Forest in Northern Europe, a bench in a church in South America, a crystal house in Iceland and even a model home from Ikea.
Tourist accommodation | home stay facility

Xiaozhu short rental: P2P short rental, China's Airbnb
Sharing mechanism: register online and submit your spare room (sofa, apartment, single room, whole room, etc.) and set the price. Users can search your house through the platform and book a transaction to move in. Xiaozhu is currently the largest platform for short-term accommodation booking in China. It has a mobile APP, which allows you to browse and book rooms directly on your mobile phone.

Sharing mechanism: Similar to Airbnb, finding suitable dog caregivers for people who need to get out of the house. Similar to reality. Many American schoolchildren earn their pocket money by taking part-time jobs caring for dogs at DogVacay.
Similar to the DogVacay is the Rover.
Dog Boarding Just Got Awesome!
Easynest: Share an empty bed in a hotel

Airbnb-like niche.
Sharing mechanism: when you go out for accommodation, you can have two beds in either a spare bed or a standard hotel room. You can rent one of the two beds in Easynest.

What is the profit model of the positive-sharing economy

Sharing economy refers to that organizations or individuals with idle resources transfer the right to use resources to others with compensation, and the transferor gets returns, while the sharers create value by sharing their idle resources.

Take O2O sharing economy business model as an example, its profit model may mainly include the following:

(1) Platform promotion fee

Advertising can be pushed to maximize advertising revenue without affecting the sharing economy function.

(2) Platform service fee

Measures can be taken to charge part of the operation service fees to ensure the operation of the sharing economy model.

(3) Value-added surcharge

With the gradual accumulation of O2O platform data resources, trading platforms gradually evolve into data centers. When the accumulation of resources reaches a certain level, qualitative changes can be realized and transformed into another sharing economy business. For example, some enterprises enhance customer loyalty through daily check-in, which can also be transformed into a revenue model to maintain the sharing economy.

(4) Offline exhibition fee

For platform builders, in order to gain sufficient publicity advantages, they must carry out corresponding publicity. In addition to network publicity, outdoor publicity can also be adopted, which is also a service mode. Obtain the corresponding advertising revenue, and then organically combine advertising and publicity to obtain operating expenses.

I hope to adopt

Can a scheme of Sharing economy attract investment from others

Sharing economy gives everyone equal opportunities, so it can attract more people to invest.

Those have to be more famous in China

In fact, there are not many famous platforms, there is nothing to have popularity, the main word is that you need to insist on doing, otherwise there is no use having a reputation.

This is the acronym for global sharing Economy

Global shared economy.
The global sharing economy.

What are the accompanying new sharing economy platforms and how are they doing tax planning

Share the new platform are more, these platforms is most freelancers, platform if pay they will involve the issue of lack of input ticket, can't give enterprise invoicing, personal and platform to handle personal commission volume is bigger, more complicated, and pay income tax, can look for a third party for cooperation to tackle the problem of commission A look at smart pay should solve these problems.

❾ Sharing economy leading the world, sharing economy and sharing economy is a concept

2017 has passed, 2018 has arrived, unconsciously, the sharing economy has become a part of Chinese People's Daily life, shared travel, shared charging banks, shared housing and so on.

So are sharing economy and sharing economy a concept? Let me talk about it

Sharing economy is to introduce good business opportunities to others and get paid accordingly. Sharing economy is not only a good way for all people to start their own businesses, but also a good way for people to communicate with each other and increase their feelings.
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